

DOMContentLoaded Callback and ComponentDidMount Execute Order

Between ComponentDidMount and the Callback of DOMContentLoaded, Which is the Firstly Execute? Here is the snippet code below.

Creativity is the Future Direction

creativity image

I liked playing magnet when I was a child. It trained my brain - creativity that is one of my values. With machine and deep learning or other brilliant technology development, making stuff to be easy in the future. The most important is the idea and creativity.

Understanding The Error ‘Converting circular structure to JSON’

js error shortscreen

Sometimes, we use JSON.stringify method to convert an Array or Object to a standard JSON string. Yes, It may occur when you do that convert. It’s a JavaScript error.

Simply and Easily Understanding Function Call Stack by a Vision

call stack icon

I shared content about Javascript event loop and task queue on 1st March to my colleagues. one of these colleagues asked me what is call stack. I give an example by blackboard as my explanation. But I thought I should give an animation to understand how to call stack run. So I start writing this article.

Some Good Javascript Articles I Have Read (updating)

Javascript label

I've read lots of articles and I like to write an article too. I think a good article is simple, easy understanding. Some of the good javascript articles I have read are below. I think these articles could help you to understand javascript.

My 2017 And 2018

2017 and 2018

Beijing's smog and high house price are not a good situation for me. I think I have to do some change. I can't stay here in the future. I got a job addressed in Chongqing as senior front-end development engineer. ...

Create Another Git Repository For Common Component Development Under a Git Repository

a problem

Our team starts multiple projects recently. My task is to write the frame component of all projects using React. The component includes the top menu and left side menu as the submenu. These projects assigned to multiple groups.

Some Problems - Facebook Instant Game 2

problem and solution

It’s the first time that I develop H5 game. I have some problems encountered during the development of the game. This article I will share the solutions of some part of the problem encountered.

Prerequisites and Prework - Facebook Instant Game 1

Prerequisites and Prework - Facebook Instant Game 1

This article is about Facebook Instant Game development Prerequisites and Prework, Facebook instant game Introduction, Prerequisites, My study materials, Prework.

Three.js 之自定义几何体(1)









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  • 医生查看患者内脏时用的内窥镜。
  • 钥匙掉马桶里,用个带钩子防水的usb摄像头找(开玩笑),等等。





